
Preparing for online virtual mediation

Virtual online divorce mediation lets you resolve your divorce matter while working together as if you were in a room sitting near each other. Virtual...

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creating a parenting plan

Creating a Parenting Plan? Some Thoughts to Consider Before You Start Preparing

If you are getting divorced and have children who are minors, you will need to create a parenting plan. (more…)

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Why You Should Consider a Mediation Reviewing Attorney

Have you and your spouse decided to enter into mediation to create an agreement for your divorce? Do you want to start mediation prepared? Or...

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What is a Divorce or Separation Agreement?

Although the Divorce or Separation Agreement is one document, it comprises various sections or exhibits. (more…)

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What documents do I need to file for an uncontested divorce?

What documents do I need to file for an uncontested divorce?

Here you can find some questions and answers to what documents to file for an unconte and where to submit the documents for your divorce....

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Choosing a Mediator for my Divorce

Choosing a Mediator for my Divorce

I’ve decided I want to mediate, but how do I choose a mediator? Mediators come in many forms. Some mediators are therapists, financial specialists, and...

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Litigation or Mediation

Getting divorced – Litigation or Mediation?- You have options.

Whether litigation or mediation or some other option is right for you depends on your situation and how you want to get divorced. In the...

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mediator for divorce

What is the role of a mediator for divorce?

Many families are looking for an easier way to get divorced instead of spending lots of money and long hours sitting around in court. Mediation...

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Financial Statement

The financial statement may be the most dreaded part of creating an agreement. It's not optional so it has to be completed. I've had more...

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Parenting Plans

Creating plans that work best for your children. Making your children feel safe and secure knowing that they will have time with both parents.   It's...

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